Friday, April 14, 2017

Square Dance

There are so many people in community square doing exercises along with soft music after supper. Meanwhile, several kids are chasing one another among these dancers and some adults are looking around with their little kids. Normally, this situation will last two or three hours every evening as long as the weather allowed. My mother is one of them who is eager doing exercises after supper and she seems to addict this simply sports every day. Now, this kind of exercises is becoming more and more popular among the elders in China. It's not only in urban but in suburban and this activity called 'square dance' in China. It's a good method for elder guys to relax after a busy day, but, cheap nfl jerseys, to some people who live community square nearby is not a good news so that some residents go to property management office to complain the noise affect their normal life. Some of them even threaten if the situation continues to last, they will refuse to pay property fee any more.
Now, as property management is faced with dilemma of whether or not to deal with this predicament. I think it's actually a tricky problem to the managers.

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